Marcos Antônio de Souza Silva

Full stack developer

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About Me

I'm student of Science of computer at Federal University of Bahia(UFBA).

Currently, I'm part of a small development team in an upcoming start-up, building web and mobile applications (hibrid and native). I have expertise in data visualization(D3JS, Highcharts, Google Charts), data mining(WEKA), computer vision(OpenCV Desktop and Android), computer graphic(WebGL). I like of to study complexity of algorithm and ways to gain performance in the algorithm. I usually search by the best practices of programming languages focused on creating quality algorithm. I have experience in languages and frameworks such as: C/C++, Haskell, Ruby, Prolog, Lisp, R, Java, JSP, PHP, Yii Framework, Drupal, Wordpress. Some programming languages I used academically others professionally.

Tools & expertise: Responsive Web Design, Agile Methodologies, Leadership and Material Design.

Passion by technology solutions, to help solve real world challenges.
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To work







Focused in the quality of algorithms: reusability, reliability, efficiency, security and maintainability.
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